We've Been Borked.

In 1987, Judge Robert Bork was denied appointment as an Associate Justice by the largest margin in modern US Senate history: 62 no votes.

Why? Because, unlike recent nominees, Judge Bork openly discussed his “judicial philosophy.” Judge Bork was the intellectual father of what has become known as “originalism” -  an approach to judicial interpretation that claims to strictly adhere to the text and the Framers’ “original intent” in interpreting the US Constitution, or more recently, their “original meaning.”  Three members of the US Supreme Court majority in Dobbs (which overruled Roe and Casey) are avowed disciples of Bork: Justices Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

Judge Bork launched “originalism” in a 1971 academic essay that argued that the US Supreme Court should protect only those rights that are explicitly stated in the US Constitution or were clearly intended by its drafters. “When the constitutional materials do not clearly specify the value to be preferred,” he wrote, “there is no principled way to prefer any claimed human value to any other. The judge must stick close to the text and the history, and their fair implications, and not construct new rights.”

Bork’s essay is nearly lifted word-for-word by Justice Alito in the Dobbs majority opinion tearing away American women's existing right to choice and bodily integrity.

If it isn't sad (or scary) enough that a judicial philosophy that was once rejected by 60+ US Senators, and which is still rejected by the great majority of Americans, has become majority Supreme Court doctrine, consider what other outcomes/opinions Judge Bork expressly ADMITTED were the natural consequence of “originalist” judicial activism under oath at his confirmation hearings:

  • Equal protection applies to the federal government, not the states.

  • Malapportionment, in which legislative districts within a state have enormous differences in population, is not a denial of equal protection.

  • “One person, one vote,” where all votes are required to have approximately equal weight,  is “incorrect” and “overreaching.”

  • The guarantee of equal protection cannot be used to limit sex discrimination because originalists avow that the Framers of the 14th Amendment were focused solely on race discrimination.

  • Neither the US Constitution nor the Bill of Rights protects an individual’s right to privacy (so no protection for abortion, contraceptives, interracial marriage, and/or LGBTQ+ marriage).

  • “Separate but equal” (Plessy v Ferguson) is constitutional; Brown v Board of Education was incorrect. 

I refuse to have Americans’ individual and political rights governed and limited by views and values that may have prevailed in 1787 (Constitution adoption), 1791 (Bill of Rights passed), or even 1868 (14th Amendment enacted). Such judicial rigidity inevitably leads to results that are rightly deemed absurd and unacceptable in our very different time and modern world.  

“Originalism” is hollow.  It allows conservative justices and judges to pretend that they are following a neutral theory when, in reality, they are imposing their own values. 

When Americans last had an actual opportunity to openly discuss and debate the US Constitution’s values and meaning, Judge Bork and his worldview were soundly rejected.  We too must be diligent and protect our inherent and inalienable rights by rejecting the radical Dobbs Court and its current majority of Borks in sheep's clothing. 


The People must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.


Two concepts in the first line of Preamble to our US Constitution form the cornerstones of what the American experiment means - government by “We the People” and the ideal of “a More Perfect Union.”

These radical concepts highlight the tension between notions of liberty, freedom, justice, and responsibility.

The genius of the Constitution, though flawed in many ways, is that it has truly allowed for experimentation, growth and accommodation over 230+ years - witnessing ever-changing shifts in the balance between protecting liberty while allowing for effective government; freedom tempered by personal responsibility; democracy moderated by stability; and convenience and expediency paused by justice.

The Constitution asks every American to reach, act, and think beyond ourselves to envision and perpetually strive for that More Perfect Union for We, the People.

In these turbulent times, the Constitution has never been more relevant. And no time more pressing to understand our fundamental rights, charters, and norms. As Americans, we are each called to participate in our grand experiment.

As James Madison wrote, ““knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

My Grandmother & Grandfather

My Grandmother Dorothy Louise Humston passed this week.

I was honored to make brief remarks at her funeral.

I also chose to read the following extraordinary condolence letter that was written by Thomas Jefferson to John Adams upon Jefferson's hearing of the death of Adams' wife, Abigail.  The letter could have been written to my grandfather, Asa, upon the loss of his beloved friend, wife, and partner of 74+ years: 

MONTICELLO, November 13, 1818.

The public papers, my dear friend, announce the fatal event of which your letter of October the 20th had given me ominous foreboding.

Tried myself in the school of affliction, by the loss of every form of connection which can rive the human heart, I know well, and feel what you have lost, what you have suffered, are suffering, and have yet to endure. The same trials have taught me that for ills so immeasurable, time and silence are the only medi­cine.

I will not, therefore, by useless condolences, open afresh the sluices of your grief, nor, although mingling sincerely my tears with yours, will I say a word more where words are vain, but that it is of some comfort to us both, that the term is not very distant, at which we are to deposit in the same cerement, our sorrows and suffering bodies, and to ascend in essence to an ecstatic meeting with the friends we have loved and lost, and whom we shall still love and never lose again.

God bless you and support you under your heavy affliction.

Th: Jefferson
— The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Volume: 15. Contributors: Andrew A. Lipscomb - editor, Albert Ellery Bergh - editor, Thomas Jefferson - author, Richard Holland Johnson - editor, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States

Happy Birthday Mr. Jefferson!

I'm confident that Mr. Jefferson would likely deflect any notice of his birth to a discussion of such passage of time as a measure of the progress of the nation founded and secured under his watch.

Undoubtedly, he would be shocked at our growth and strength. He would not be surprised by the divisions and animus in our policy and politics. But most importantly, as an eternal believer in the potential of man, he would still believe that Americans could collectively overcome all, and that there was so much more yet to come.

Happy Birthday Th:Jefferson and thank you.

Jeff and RCO Launch INDIVISIBLE.LEGAL to assist progressive organizations!


You can visit the site here: INDIVISIBLE.legal or INDIVISIBLElegal.com

You can also interact with the INDIVISIBLE.legal team through Facebook and Twitter.

INDIVISIBLE.legal's goal is to assist and guide independent Indivisible groups as they lawfully create, organize and deploy under-utilized, but existing tools and organizations to ENGAGE VOTERS, WIN ELECTIONS, AND INFLUENCE POLICY.

Today saw the posting of the first two sets of educational materials (in an intended regular series): 

  1. Presentation/slides that outline recent use of independent organizations (ex: 501(c)s and SuperPACs) as powerful tools for the development of policy and winning elections; and
  2.  Quick reference chart outlining some of the DO's and DONT's for 501(c)s and SuperPACs.

Indivisible and other progressive activists are encouraged to contact Jeff to schedule training and consultations as they work to TURN ADVOCACY TO ACTION!

As always, Jeff and RCo's goal is to serve the political, advocacy and startup communities and help them THRIVE in challenging environments.

So much more to come.